December 17, 2008

Diagnosis: Exhaustion?

Is anyone else feeling like the blog over at the Poetry Foundation is a bit...adrift right now? Maybe Harriet is feeling the stress of the holidays like the rest of us. I enjoy conceptual writing and experimental musings--Olena Kalytiak Davis has me hooked--but I'm missing posts that feel relevant to my everyday (if there is such a thing) publishing world.

Jeffrey McDaniel, Steven Burt, and Ange Mlinko stand out in my mind as past Harriet-eers who found a good balance of posts that ranged from critical to casual in tone. I felt like I actually got to know them through their posts.

Who have your favorites been so far, and why?


  1. Yeah, I've not been reading the blogs as frequently as I used to.

    I did enjoy Rigoberto Gonzalez when he was up.

  2. It's been nearly unreadable recently. I never read it regularly, but I used to be able to flip through the recent archives and find something interesting. Not now.

  3. I have not really ever read Harriet, so I buzzed on over to check it out, and found that I have totally missed out on some kind of poetry movement (conceptualism) which is now engaged in a turgid turf battle with flarf that may or may not be phoney but certainly involves puerile animated gifs. Now I am researching this fancy new movement and readin' all about it...

  4. I loved A.E. Stallings' posts, and one of the current contributors verified my suspicion that poets are indeed "bad motherfuckers."
